Oxygen Analyzers And Monitors
Oxygen analyzers, blood gas analyzers, pulse oximeters, and transcutaneous monitors are featured.

Oxygen Analyzers
A variety of instruments used to analyze oxygen concentration are featured in this gallery.

1950s Beckman D2 Paramagnetic Analyzer
The Beckman D2 analyzer is an example of a paramagnetic oxygen analyzer. The prototype was developed in the 1940s by Linus Pauling and enhanced by Arnold Beckman. Production of the Beckman D2 Analyzer began in the 1950s.
Image from Illinois Central College Archives, 1999

Beckman D2 Analyzer
A Beckman D2 oxygen analyzer is shown.
Image from Gregory Rittenhouse

1950 Beckman D2 Analyzer
The Beckman D2 oxygen analyzer is shown with the sampling tubing and squeeze bulb.
Image from Kerry George

1950s Beckman D2 Dessicant Chamber
The drying chamber of the Beckman D2 analyzer used dessicant crystals to absorb moisture.
Image from Kerry George

1950s Beckman D-2 Operating Instructions
Typewritten and handwritten instructions for use remain taped directly to a 1950s Beckman D2 analyzer.
Image from Kerry George

1950s Beckman D2 Identification Plate
An identification plate from a 1950s Beckman D2 oxygen analyzer is shown. The plate with the manufacturer's address, model, and serial number were secured to each unit.
Image from Kerry George

1950s OEM Electronic Oxygen Analyzer
This ad for an OEM "Electronic Oxygen Analyzer" appeared in an early issue of the INHALATION THERAPY journal.

Checking the Oxygen
In this vintage photo from the 1960s, the FIO2 in an Isolette incubator is being monitored.
Image from OSF HealthCare Children's Hospital of Illinois

1960s Mira Oxygen Analyzer
The Mira oxygen analyzer is an example of a Wheatstone bridge or thermoconductivity analyzer.
Image from Tony Ruppert

Mira Analyzer
A Mira Oxygen Analyzer is shown.
Image from William LeTourneau

Mira Oxygen Analyzer
A Mira Oxygen Analyzer with sampling tubing is shown.
Image from Gregory Rittenhouse

Mira Oxygen Analyzer
A Mira Oxygen Analyzer is shown.
Image from Marby McKinney

BioMarine Industries 602 Analyzer
The BioMarine Industries Model 602 Oxygen Analyzer is shown.
Image from William LeTourneau

Foregger Oxygen Analyzer
The Foregger Oxygen Analyzer is shown.
Image from William LeTourneau

Harlake Oxygen Analyzer
A Harlake Oxygen Analyzer with alarms is shown.
Image from William LeTourneau

1990s Ventronics Oxygen Analyzer
The Ventronics analyzer is an example of a galvanic fuel cell or electrochemical oxygen analyzer.
Image from Glenn Tammen

1990s Hudson Oxygen Monitor
The Hudson Oxygen Analyzer is an example of a galvanic fuel cell.
Image from Rusty Taylor

MSA MiniOx III Oxygen Monitor
The MSA MiniOx III Oxygen Monitor from 1992 is shown.
Image from Karen Schell

MSA MiniOx 3000 Oxygen Monitor
The MSA MiniOx 3000 Oxygen Monitor from 1997 is shown.
Image from Karen Schell

Arterial Blood Gas Analyzer
Various arterial blood gas analyzers are included in this section.

Haldane's Blood Gas Apparatus
A drawing of Haldane's Blood Gas Apparatus from 1920 is shown.
Image from Dennis Glover

From the 1960s thru the 1980s, PaO2 was the gold standard for assessment of oxygenation

IL pH/PCO2/PO2 Electrometer
The Instrumentation Laboratories Model 13 pH/PCO2/PO2 Electrometer from 1963 is shown. The PCO2 was read on the upper scale, the pH on the middle scale, and the PO2 was read on the lower scale.
Image from Joseph Goss

1963 IL 113 Blood Gas Analyzer
The heater and temperature controls of the Instrumentation Laboratories 113 pH/PCO2/PO2 Electrometer from 1963 are shown.
Image from Joseph Goss

IL Blood Gas Calculator
The Instrumentation Laboratories blood acid-base calculator is from circa 1969.
Image from Tina Barton

pH & Blood Gas Analyzer
This ad for the Instrumentation Laboratories pH and blood gas analyzer appeared in the April 1969 issue of INHALATION THERAPY.

London Blood Acid Base Center
This ad for the London Company's Blood Acid Base Center appeared in the April 1969 issue of INHALATION THERAPY.

Early 1970s Blood Gas Analyzer
This early 1970s photo shows an arterial sample being analyzed.

Acid Base Calculator
This 1969 calculator could be used to derive multiple acid base values.
Image from Tina Barton

Glass Syringe for Arterial Sticks
Glass syringes were used for arterial sticks in the 1970s.
Image from Colleen Schabacker

1990s Arterial Sampling Kit
An arterial sampling kit from the 1990s is shown.
Image from Illinois Central College Archives, 1999

Pulse Oximeters
A variety of oximeters are included in this section.

1976 Hewlett Packard Ear Oximeter
The H-P Ear Oximeter was released in 1976. The device weighed 37 pounds, and was 7.5 in x 17 in x 17 in. The probe was positioned on the pinna of the ear. The ear was covered by a shield to block out ambient light.

H-P Ear Oximeter
A Hewlett-Packard ear oximeter is shown in this early 1970s photo.
Image from Barry Make, MD

1995 Nellcor Pulse Oximeter
The Nellcor Pulse Oximeter is shown in this 1995 photo.

1987 Patent for Pulse Oximeter
The schematic for the 1984 patent application for "Pulse Oximeter" by William New Jr and Jame Corenman is shown. The patent was granted in March 1987.

1990s Respironics Pulse Oximeter
The Respironics Pulse Oximeter from the 1990s is shown.
Image from Illinois Central College Archives, 1999

1990s Ohmeda Biox 3700 Pulse Oximeter
The Ohmeda Biox 3700 pulse oximeter from the 1990s is shown.
Image from Kerry George

Pulse Oximeter Nasal Probe
A nasal probe for a pulse oximeter from the 1990s is shown in this photo.
Image from Kerry George

Pulse Oximeter Ear Probe
A 1990s ear probe for a pulse oximeter is shown.
Image from Kerry George

Nonin Onyx Finger Pulse Oximeter
A Nonin finger pulse oximeter from 1995 is shown.

Nellcor Pulse Oximeter
A Nellcor pulse oximeter from 1999 is shown.
Image from Illinois Central College Archives, 1999

Transcutaneous monitors are included in this section.

Biochem Transcutaneous Monitor
The Biochem Sensomat Trancutaneous Oxygen Monitor, circa mid-1980s, is shown.

Patent for Transcutaneous Electrode
This schematic is from the 1979 patent application for "Transcutaneous Oxygen and Local Perfusion Measurement." The patent was granted in 1981 to Normand Herbert et al.

1981 TCM Electrode Design
The schematic from a 1981 patent granted for a transcutaneous electrode is shown.

Radiometer Tina 4 Transcutaneous Monitor
A Radiometer Tina 4 transcutaneous monitor from 2000 is shown.
Image from Roger Huber

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