Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation
An overview of CPR and auxiliary equipment used in resuscitation is featured.

This gallery features an overview of basic CPR and basic equipment used during resuscitation.

Precordial Thump
The precordial thump was first reported in medical journals in 1920 and has been used in the treatment of ventricular tachycardia and monitored ventricular fib. It has fallen in and out of favor over the decades. It is often used for dramatic effect in medical shows on TV and movies.

1956 Mouth-to-Mouth
Dr. Peter Safar and Dr. James Elam are credited with the invention of the mouth-to- mouth resuscitation technique.
Dr. Safar is considered to be the "father of Modern Resuscitation."
Dr. Safar is considered to be the "father of Modern Resuscitation."

Mouth-to-Mouth Resuscitator
In August 1958, Robert Berman filed a patent application for his "Mouth-to-Mouth Resuscitator". The patent was awarded on March 12, 1963.

CPR Developed
The modern cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) technique was developed in 1960.

1970 CPR
This 1970 ad for A.H. Robins stressed the importance of CPR training for future physicians and health care providers.

1970s CPR Pin
A 1970s era pin available to recognize an individual certified in CPR is shown.

Revised Ratios
If you've been in respiratory care for any length of time, you've experienced a number of revisions to the recommended ratios for compressions to breaths delivered during CPR or compressions only recommendations.

AHA Guidelines
The American Heart Association publishes and updates their guidelines for cardiopulmonary resuscitation and emergency cardiovascular care.
Image downloaded from AHA website:

1970s Reusci-Anne
"Annie, Annie, are you OK?" Those words began every CPR training session....
The Reusci-Anne manikin was primarily used for CPR instruction but often was a participant in pranks pulled by the staff and students.
The Reusci-Anne manikin was primarily used for CPR instruction but often was a participant in pranks pulled by the staff and students.

1970s Resusci-Anne's Case
Resusci-Annie folded up like a contortionist for transport and storage.

Resusci-Anne Training Gauges
Resusci-Anne's aneroid gauges visually indicated when proper tidal volumes and compressions were delivered.

Pediatric CPR Practice
An infant resuscitation manikin is shown.

Resuscitation Equipment
Basic resuscitation equipment is shown.

Emergency Tackle Box
Supplies for emergency intubation were often transported to emergency codes by the inhalation therapy staff in a tackle box. The contents were restocked after each use and the box relocked and checked on daily rounds.

Mouth Opener
This device was inserted between the clenched upper and lower teeth, when possible, and rotated to open a clenched mouth.
Image from Colleen Schabacker

Oropharyngeal Airways
A variety of sizes of oropharyngeal airways are shown in this emergency kit.
For more images of oropharyngeal airways and related equipment, visit the Artificial Airways gallery.
For more images of oropharyngeal airways and related equipment, visit the Artificial Airways gallery.
Image from Gayle Carr

The AMBU bag was developed in 1956.
For more images of bag-valve-mask resuscitators, visit the Resuscitators gallery.
For more images of bag-valve-mask resuscitators, visit the Resuscitators gallery.
Image from Felix Khusid

Endotracheal Tubes
Respiratory therapists and other highly skilled health care professionals may be required to intubate during emergency codes. A few ET tubes are shown.
Image from Illinois Central College Archives, 1999

A stylet may be inserted into an endotracheal tube to provide stability to the tube during intubation.
Image from Illinois Central College Archives, 1999

For more images of emergency airway equipment, visit the Artificial Airways gallery.

Emergency Intubation
This respiratory therapist is shown positioning the endotracheal tube following endotracheal intubation.

Colorimetric CO2 Indicator
During emergency intubation, confirmation of tube placement in the trachea rather than the esophagus is achieved using a CO2 indicator.
Image from Gayle Carr

Laryngeal Mask Airway
The Laryngeal Mask Airway (LMA) was developed by Dr. Archi Brain and has been in use since 1988. The supraglottic airway can be used for emergency airway management.
Image from Illinois Central College Archives, 1999

Portable Emergency Oxygen
Portable oxygen equipment was transported for codes and resuscitation calls in sites without piped in oxygen.
Image from James Sullivan

Claude Beck's Defibrillator
Defibrillation was first utilized by Dr. Claude Beck, a cardiac surgeon in 1947.
Image from Glenn Tammen

1950s Defibrillator
A defibrillator from the late 1950s is shown.

1965 Crash Cart
The first crash carts at Wesley Medical Center in Wichita, Kansas were donated in 1965 by Beech Aircraft.
Image from Aubrey Patterson

1969 Crash Cart
A 1969 crash cart is pictured.
Image from Aubrey Patterson

Heart-Lung Resuscitator
A Brunswick Heart Lung resuscitator circa 1973 is shown.
Image from James Sullivan

Heart-Lung Resuscitator
A Brunswick Heart Lung Resuscitator and case is shown.
Image from Gregory Rittenhouse

Heart Lung Resuscitator Label
A close-up of the HLR label is shown.
Image from Gregory Rittenhouse

The HLR (Heart-Lung Resuscitator) is shown in use on a mannikin.
Image from Gregory Rittenhouse

1987 AED
AED (automated external defibrillators) became available in the late 1980s and are now available in numerous public locations.

AED Electrode
An AED electrode can be seen as CPR is performed on the patient.

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